Many people believe that participating in team sports helps to develop good character and values in children. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words.


It is often argue that children should actively participate in sports, which require team to play, in order to build their character and values. I strongly agree in this view and I believe this can significantly improve youngster's discipline and team work skills.

Initially, children learns multiple things when they are young, and enrolling them in team sports activities helps in building discipline. Children with improved discipline are generally well behaved and respectful. For instance, children playing under 16 football in Nepal are consider well mannered as they are taught to respect their teammates in order to improve their play. Moreover, team work is necessary in team sports and a single player cannot contribute enough; hence, overall team performance is the effort of each players.

Secondly, cooperation is a key in team games, which is most important factor while playing in a team. It directly improve one's communication skills which can be further use in real life. In addition, cooperative nature can dramatically increase problem solving skills among children. For example, children who works in a team can solve a problem more efficiently then those children who works alone.

In other hand, if children are given opportunity to train with a decent trainer, then they might increase their potential ensuring quality of character and values. In team games, they work together to tackle any obstacles that arise, however, it cannot be denied that those children who are self trained cannot prove themselves. Sports like boxing, karate, chess are played by single player, and this do not means they are bad in their character and values.

In a conclusion, team games can precisely improve youngsters' character and values when they work together in field. It is consider as key element to maintain discipline and cooperation among the children. However, I recommend a decent trainer to help children improve their social behavior.

  • Task Achievement: 6
  • Coherence And Cohesion: 6
  • Lexical Resource: 6
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 5

The essay presents a clear argument in favor of the statement, but it lacks some depth and could benefit from more specific examples. The organization is generally coherent, but some transitions could be improved for smoother flow. The vocabulary is mostly appropriate, but some phrases are repetitive and could be replaced with more nuanced options. There are also a few grammatical errors, primarily related to subject-verb agreement and article usage.

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