You have recently started a new job and need to request time off for a family event. Write a letter to your manager explaining the situation and requesting leave.


Dear Mr Manager,

I hope that you have been doing well. It has been a pleasure to work for this company and I hope that I will stay many years. I happy with my professional life but also with my personnal one. Months ago, my sister and her partner decided that it was time for them to make their love to each other official and declared that they would organise their wedding in a couple of months.

I understand the current situation. We are in the highest season and you need all human ressources to reach our goal.

However, my family is the backbone of my life. It would be unacceptable for me to not attend do this major family event. Consequently, I am sending you this email to ask you if could take 4 days-off in order for me to help my sistrer to organise an event that would change the rest of their life.

I am looking forward to getting your answer.

Best regards

  • Task Achievement: 5
  • Coherence And Cohesion: 5
  • Lexical Resource: 6
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 5

Feedback in 50 words: The letter is too long and includes unnecessary details. Focus on the request for time off, stating the event and dates clearly. Use more formal language and avoid personal opinions. Proofread for grammatical errors and avoid informal phrases.

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