Money spent on space exploration is a complete waste. Governments could better spend this money on other things to benefit the nation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In contemporary world, numerous budgets are spending to explore space .Some asserts that it is a waste of economy of the nation, while others hold a contratry opinions.I completely agree with this notion. This essay will elucidate , why government should spend money on other sectors such as infrastructures, educational institutions,hospitals rather wasting money on space. Some advocate that,nowadays research on space is crucial to know more other planets. This is because ,they hold a assumption that life of our planet has limited. For instance,they are thinking there could be numerous planets, which are suitable for human beings.Hence, governments are allocated budget for them to spend on those research. However, some contends that the goverment should allocate subsidies in nations's crucial sectors like schools, roads, housing ,heath care etc. This is due to these sectors are the basic needs for every individuals. Nation's first and foremost priority should be the well being of the citizens.Furthermore,If goverment is already devoloped , they should look for the undeveloped countries which are suffering from poverty and chronic diseases.Consequently, it would be better living for every individual. After considering both perspectives, i am inclined to support space exploration is waste of money. This is attributed to the advantages of spending money on countries people's need is far more significant than wasting money on space. In conclusion, While it is undeniable that life of our planet could be finished any time which leads to research is need be to implement to find spare planets for living, I believe that it is a complete waste of money. Rather govenment should focus on what we have now and what is good for their citizens.

  • Task Achievement: 5
  • Coherence And Cohesion: 4
  • Lexical Resource: 5
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 4

Feedback in 50 words:

The essay presents a clear opinion, but the arguments lack depth and specific examples. The structure is a bit repetitive, and there are some grammatical errors. The vocabulary is generally good, but some phrases are awkward and less precise. The essay needs more clarity, specific details, and a stronger conclusion to reach a higher score.

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